Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Thursday, October 21, 2021Theme: The Adjustment card, which is a big push to the upside. Behaviors and Opportunities: There is also the Unicursal Hexagram, so I am...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Tuesday, October 19, 2021Overview: There will be a big move to the upside around the highs, and the highs and the lows are going to be in close proximity. The low...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Monday, October 18, 2021Overview: We have a decline after some sort of disappointment. There is an expectation that does not come to fruition, so we have some...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Thursday, September 16, 2021#4ofDisks #KnightofDisks #AceofSwords #KnightofCups #4ofWands #7ofCups #IXTheHermit #9ofWands #8ofWands #7ofSwords #XIVArt #0TheFool...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Wednesday, September 15, 2021#KnightofSwords #6ofWands #4ofDisks #AceofSwords #6ofCups #7ofSwords #KnightofCups #UnicursalHexigram #XTheFortune #0TheFool #9ofWands...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Tuesday, September 14, 2021#9ofDisks #AceofCups #KnightofDisks #PrinceofSwords #IVTheEmperor #XILust #PrincessofSwords #IIITheEmpress #6ofCups #PrincessofCups...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Monday, September 13, 2021#KnightofCups #8ofDisks #IXTheHermit #6ofCups #9ofSwords #ITheMagus #KnightofDisks #4ofWands #7ofDisks #3ofCups #10ofWands #AceofSwords...