Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Friday, May 14, 2021*********** 90% (9 correct statements out of 10 statements.) The theme of the day is a necessary and permanent change; the ending and...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Wednesday, May 12, 2021*** 91% (10 correct statements out of 11 statements. The overall theme and behavior of the S&P 500 for the day is that which was worked for
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Monday, April 19, 2021*** 95% (9.5 correct statements out of 10 statements.) Unexpected failure is the S&P 500 theme for today. Overall behavior is mixed sideways
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Wednesday, April 14, 2021*** 100% (9 correct statements out of 9 statements.) The theme of the S&P 500 for today is the dramatic conclusion of a cycle through sudden
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Tuesday, April 6, 2021*********** 92% (12 correct statements out of 13 statements.) The overall theme and behavior of the S&P 500 is that of a pending matter...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Monday, March 29, 2021*** 100% (6 correct statements out of 6 statements.) The theme and overall behavior of the S&P for the day is that of a leader making an
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Wednesday, March 24, 2021*********** 100% (11 correct statements out of 11 statements.) The theme for the day has to do with a male leader involving a big and...