Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Friday, October 15, 2021#3ofCups #XIXTheSun #XIVArt #VIITheChariot #8ofWands #3ofWands #UnicursalHexigram #5ofWands #KnightofDisks #AceofSwords #VITheLovers...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast Wednesday, September 29th, 2021Overall Theme and Behavior: Flight to safety. Pre-market to Noon There is a decline in the pre-market. This is followed by a notable move...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Thursday, September 16, 2021#4ofDisks #KnightofDisks #AceofSwords #KnightofCups #4ofWands #7ofCups #IXTheHermit #9ofWands #8ofWands #7ofSwords #XIVArt #0TheFool...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Tuesday, September 14, 2021#9ofDisks #AceofCups #KnightofDisks #PrinceofSwords #IVTheEmperor #XILust #PrincessofSwords #IIITheEmpress #6ofCups #PrincessofCups...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Monday, September 13, 2021#KnightofCups #8ofDisks #IXTheHermit #6ofCups #9ofSwords #ITheMagus #KnightofDisks #4ofWands #7ofDisks #3ofCups #10ofWands #AceofSwords...