Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Friday, December 10, 2021Theme: Bullish rotation, but nullified. Around the High: Back and forth movement and a rally into a high. Trade opportunity. Around the...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Thursday, December 9, 2021Theme: Something hidden is revealed and a U-shaped dip. Around the High: We go sideways at a notable price level. Around the Low: Sharp...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Tuesday, December 7, 2021Theme: A crest is revisited, it is like a bearish bouncing around, but it is nullified. Around the High: Selling from a peak to one...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Tuesday, November 30, 2021Theme: We have an intentional fake out in the midst of notable volatility. Behavior Around the High: Sharp decline through support....
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Friday, November 19, 2021Theme: The Disappointment card, so there will be an unexpected failure. However, it is nullified. We have a high correlator for a local...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Wednesday, November 17, 2021#2ofWands #IVTheEmperor #QueenofWands #IIITheEmpress #QueenofSwords #7ofCups #IXTheHermit #4ofSwords #6ofCups #PrincessofDisks #3ofDisks...
Kapproveb AlcyoneS&P 500 Forecast for Tuesday, November 9, 2021Theme: The Indolence card, what is highlighted today is a high that will not be revisited within the time frame of the reading. It also...