*******100% Accuracy (6 out of 6 correct statements.)
*******$839.73 One Day Profit

Day's Theme - Multiple opportunities. Volatile, sideways movement. Market moved sideways with notable movement up and then back down.
1-Day High - will form between 11am est. and 1pm est. A male financial authority is involved with today's high. Notable movement higher off of the early morning low. All 100% accurate. Larry Kudlow moved the market to new highs.
1-Day Low - will form between the pre-market and 10am est. Pre-Market Low.
Planned Trades: At the open, buy long call/s at the open. Around 12pm est. replace long call/s with long put/s for a credit while the market is moving higher. Sell long puts around 2-3pm est. All Trades were profitable. Posted a 60% profit from a position purchased Friday, and an additional 12% and 5% from day trades. Made money going dowm. Made money going up. Made money going down again. Made money going back up.
****** Original Post
Day's Theme - Multiple opportunities. Volatile, sideways movement.
1-Day High - will form between 11am est. and 1pm est. A male financial authority is involved with today's high. Notable movement higher off of the early morning low.
1-Day Low - will form between the pre-market and 10am est.
Planned Trades: At the open, buy long call/s at the open. Around 12pm est. replace long call/s with long put/s for a credit while the market is moving higher. Sell long puts around 2-3pm est.

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