100% (7 correct statements out of 7 statements.)
Protecting gains is the theme for the S&P 500 today as investors are impulsive and overly enthusiastic. Sideways bearish price swings from a day’s high take place in the premarket as investors gain clarity and begin thinking differently about challenges ahead. Around the open investors receive the moment they have been waiting for involving an improving economic situation AND/OR involving the completion of legislation/policy/decision having to do with financial support. A holding pattern is displayed from the move at the open through roughly 10amish. Congress ignites definitive optimism on the street noted by a strong break out rally between roughly 10am and 11am est. Between roughly 11am and 12pm there is a sharp dip AND/OR extreme price swings in an already volatile market. Between roughly 12pm and 1pm bad news involving unemployment and/or heavy debt produces a temporary financial crisis. Sideways bearish rotation takes place from roughly 12pm through 1pm as nervous investors brace for tough times. Between roughly 1pm and 2pm the day’s low will form when bearish rotation transitions into bullish rotation. Around 2pm that bullish behavior transitions back into bearish movement increasing in volatility moving toward the close. In the last hour of trading the unexpected/improbable happens. Around the close there is a prominent price fluctuation and a decline off of another notable high. In preparation for the imminent crash transpiring within the next 7 days I will be setting myself up a further decline in the last hour of trading. In the post market, the S&P 500 behaves in such a way as to provoke impulsivity. Discretion is advised because an indication that there is a false bottom(s) in the post market. The second high is marked by a notable decline through support out of it’s apex.

#AstroOpportunityWindow Begins3/31/21@2:52pm est. Finishes3/31/21@8:29pm est.

#MoonScorpioQuincunxMarsGemini @3:17am est.
#MoonScorpioTrineNeptunePisces @11:59am est.
#MoonScorpioSquareJupiterAquarius @2:52pm est.
#MoonScorpioTrineMercuryPisces @4:35pm est.
#SunAriesSextileSaturnAquarius @5:04pm est.
#MoonScorpioSextilePlutoCapricorn @8:29pm est.

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