100% (1 statement correct out of 1 statement)

Day's Theme - Gap up at the open. Indecision. Choppy trading.
1-Day High - 12pm - 1pm AND/OR 2pm - 3pm AND/OR postmarket.
1-Day Low - open through 11am est. Marks an opportunity. Between the highs there will be a decline through support level around 1pm - 2pm AND/OR a trough into the close.
Planned Trades - at least 6 different trade windows today. The most significant window will be between the open and 1pm.

#MoonLeoQuincunxNeptuneGemini @3:59am est.
#SunEntersLeo @4:37am est.
#MoonLeoQuincunxJupiterCapricorn @4:57am est.
#MoonLeoQuincunxPlutoCapricorn @8:48am est.
#MercuryCancerSextileUranusTaurus @4:25pm est.
#MoonLeoQuincunxSaturnCapricorn @5:08pm est.
#MoonEntersVirgo @7:40pm est.
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