63% (5 correct statements out of 8 statements.)

Day's Theme - Significant gap down at the open related to an agreement between two powers. Strong rally out of the open to a high around 11am est. Around 11am to 12pm est. there will be a slight trough AND/OR a slowdown in the rally. Slight selling off of another high between 1pm and 2pm est. More upward movement to breach a resistance level just slightly before stalling out and moving sideways along a support/resistance level into the close. More sideways movement AND/OR some price swinging in the postmarket.
1-Day High - between 10:30am and 11:30am est. AND/OR between 1pm and 2pm est. AND/OR at the close. Minor selling off of multiple highs.
1-Day Low - Premarket AND/OR around 12pm to 1pm est.
Planned Trades - Trade window around the close.
1) I will probably make bearish trades around the close but TBD.

#MoonLeoConjunctionMercuryLeo @1:38am est.
#MoonEntersVirgo @4:20am est.
#MoonVirgoQuincunxChironAries @6:48pm est.
#MercuryEntersVirgo @9:30pm est.
#MoonVirgoTrineUranusTaurus @9:52pm est.

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