We have an intentional fake out in the midst of notable volatility.
Behavior Around the High:
Sharp decline through support.
Behavior Around the Low:
Bumping up along resistance levels.
There is a low correlation in the pre-market with a move higher, and a U-shaped dip with volatility around the open. There is an opportunity to open some long positions in the first half hour. Then we flatten around 10am to 11am, and there is a bullish move around 11am. That is a brief high, we may revisit it, and we break down through support to meet another and bounce along it, before breaking down through multiple. There is a push to the upside around 12pm to 1pm, in the midst of some volatility. An agreement between two parties is highlighted in the following hour, and we revisit a low between 1pm and 2pm. We revisit an opportunity at a crest around 2pm to 3pm. In the last hour there is a sharp dip within volatility, and a push to a high around the close. Then we drop.
Looking to Tomorrow:
Three pokes through resistance, followed by a decline.

#AstroOpportunityWindowBegins11/30/21@10:43pm est. Finishes11/30/21@11:20pm est.

#AstroOpportunityWindowBegins11/30/21@10:43pm est. Finishes11/30/21@11:20pm est.
#MoonLibraQuincunxUranusTaurus @12:22am est.
#MercurySagattariusSextileSaturnAquarius @2:19am est.
#SunSagattariusTrineChironAries @9:38am est.
#MoonLibraSquareVenusCapricorn @2:56pm est.
#MoonLibraQuincunxNeptunePisces @2:58pm est.
#VenusCapricornSextileNeptunePisces @3:46pm est.
#SunSagattariusSextileSaturnAquarius @6:14pm est.
#MoonLibraSquarePlutoCapricorn @10:43pm est.
#MoonLibraTrineJupiterAquarius @11:20pm est.