85% (8.5 correct statements out of 10 statements.)
Overall theme and behavior of the S&P 500 would be that of a decline off of a new high OR a decline of a recent significant crest. Fluctuations and decline in the pre-market reflect the Street’s fear, paranoia, and confusion. A sharp dip around the open followed by a holding pattern (usually ending with a huge move and/or price swings) as Congess and/or ministry is highlighted which involves government aid, regulations/rules, furtherance of assistance. A change in investors perspective causes sideways bearish price swings that are exhibited from the holding pattern moving into roughly 11:15am. A huge move higher (most likely from being oversold) takes place somewhere between 11am and 12pm as investors become more balanced in their perspective. Between roughly 12pm through 1pm there are multiple attempts to breakout through a key resistance. Between roughly 1pm and 2pm repayment of debt, financial support, AND/OR environmental issues are highlighted along with sideways bullish prices wings. Around roughly 2pm through 3pm an economic leader is highlighted during bullish rotations and a significant move higher. Moving into the close a holding pattern surrounds the highlighting of a critical choice between two entities (usually between two leaders.) Around the close there is a turn for the worse as investors despondency is reflected in a strong decline. In the post-market extreme greed causes a powerful move higher on greater than normal volume. The high and low for the day will both form between 2:45ish and the post-market with the greatest possibility of taking place in the last hour of trading.

#MoonCancerTrineNeptunePisces @1:14am est.
#MoonCancerQuincunxJupiterAquarius @1:56am est.
#MoonCancerOppositionPlutoCapricorn @11:26am est.
#MoonEntersLeo @5:56pm est.
#MercuryPiscesSquareMarsGemini @11:26pm est.
#MoonLeoTrineVenusAries @11:50pm est.

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