95% (10.5 correct statements out of 11 statements.)
TarotForTraders.com Extrasensory Forecast For S&P 500, April 13, 2021. A male ruler of nations AND/OR government and the established order are the main highlight of today. The S&P 500 is rangebound in the premarket. Minor bullish rotation takes place around the open. From the open through roughly 10am there is a notable decline due to multiple headwinds. The first trough of the day forms between roughly 9:50am and 10:30am est.. Out of the low there a huge breakout rally through resistance which takes place between roughly 10am through 12pm eventually reaching the next resistance level at which point there is a pull back to form the first crest of the day. Between around 12pm and 1pm est. a dip followed by a rebound back to the levels from which it dipped is exhibited. Between 12:30pm and 2pm est.. the second trough of the day is formed around the same levels as the preceding trough. This early afternoon trough presents me with an opportunity to buy into fear and out of this low there is a significant rally higher from roughly 2pm into the close to eventually form another crest. A temporary pause in an upward trend is exhibited within the last hour as the S&P moves sideways crossing support/resistance three times. It is in the last hour that an important milestone is reached “confirming” a bullish trend. The confirmation of a bullish trend is muddled up with confusing behavior around the close intended to cause impulsive decisions. This false indication of true direction comes in the form of a big move counter to the true trend. Ie; A trap or an intentional shake out. The “trap” is either a false “confirmation” of a bullish trend AND/OR the “trap” follows the “confirmation” of a bullish trend. The establishment or reestablishment of support takes place in the post market. To get this daily S&P500 prediction a day in advance sign up for a free membership at www.tarotfortraders.com
I am very likely opening some ATM Long Puts and some cheap long shot OTM Long Puts both with June expirations. I plan to hold these until the dip in late April AND/OR May.

#MoonTaurusConjunctionUranusTaurus @9:18am est.
#MoonTaurusSquareSaturnAquarius @2:30pm est.
#SunAriesSextileMarsGemini @7:09pm est.

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