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S&P 500 Forecast for Thursday, May 27, 2021

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

Daily Forecasts to be continued after Mercury Station Direct


Initial jobless claims down 38,000 to 406,000; U.S. April durable goods orders decrease 1.3%; est. 0.8%
(VIAC), Yields rise, tech trade in focus investor Dan Niles weighs in; Biden to propose $6T budget: NYT
(SNOW), S&P 500 up 0.4% for May seeks 4th straight monthly gain; Investors weigh FED Taper talk
GOP offers infrastructure counterproposal; Republicans present infrastructure counteroffer to White House
Exxon Mobil CEO: shareholders want us to further ESG efforts; Cramer: would like to expand infrastructure
Stocks mostly higher; CLA, Tech leads early declines
(MDT), Medtronic CEO on Q4 results; Bank CEOs testify before Congress
U.S. April pending home sales fall 4.4%; est. up 0.4%
(XOM), The little engine no. 1 that could activist wins at least 2 Exxon board seats
SCO1 COMB Comdty, PBOC says Yuan rate can't be used to offset commodity inflation
Scrubs-maker figs goes public Co-CEOs on outlook for brand; Exxon CEO dealt stinging setback
Acorns SPAC merger values company at $2.2B
Amazon, Microsoft, Google pursue $1B Boeing contract: RPT; Wall Street CEOs grilled by lawmakers
"It's time to change" former FED Pres. Fisher; Stocks climb on signs of reflation
Big bank CEOs testify before house financial services CMTE; Bank CEOs testify to house panel
Walmart & Gpad create exclusive home decor brand; (BAC), (MS), (C)
Infrastructure tub of war
Jamie Dimon speaks at house committee hearing; Biden delivering remarks on the economy
U.S. tells Russia it won't rejoin "open skies" arms control pact; Bank CEOs testify to house panel
Toyota, Stellantis hit 52-week highs; Solomon: support 'more modern' disclosure on total return swaps
(FUN), Cedar Fair CEO on Covid-19 safety guidelines; Commodities leading S&P 500 gains
 Sec. Raimondo: childcare, broadband, job training among Biden's investment plans
Clear for takeoff? betting on the friendly skies
Floor it! Ford shares motor higher; Social media ban lawsuit
Dimon criticizes Biden's tax plan
Cramer's looking beyond the move higher in BYND and telling you what's really behind the rally
WSM CEO on shipping constraints; Biden to propose $6 trillion budget: NYT
Salesforce sees slack closing date near very end of 2Q
Van de Put: we try to understand where we make the biggest impact



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