90% (9 correct statements out of 10 statements.)
The underlying theme of the day is satisfaction and profit taking from an overbought crest. A strong decline to the day’s first low takes place in the premarket. At the open the decline halts. From the open there is a bullish rotation bumping along resistance until approximately 10am. An opportunity for me to position myself on both sides of the market using straddles or strangles is presented between 9:50am though around 11am as the first day’s high is met. Within the hours of approximately 11am through 12pm a new situation and/or a significant decision is highlighted causing excitement on the Street. Enthusiasm sparks a sudden, big move higher due to impulsive traders; this is reflected when the big move higher transitions into sideways volatile action. Around approximately noon time through 1pm optimistic investors take control again exhibited by another strong rally to meet the day’s second high. Between this midday high through approximately 2pm unexpected failure and disappointment are the highlight as the S&P displays a mixed sideways decline. Between approximately 2pm - 3pm another high/crest forms due to a strong move counter to the true trend’s direction. This intentional shakeout deceptively triggers an indicator suggesting more bullish behavior. Exhausted investors take a break in the last hour of trading; exhibited by flat sideways movement coming off the high on low volume. Near the close and after three attempts to breakout there is a huge sudden plunge to reach the day’s second low in the post market. Should I decide to trade I will do so at moments of sideways movement bumping along support and/or resistance.

#MoonInCapricorn #4thQuarterMoon #4thQuarterMoonInCapricorn #MoonInAquarius #4thQuarterMoonInAquarius
#MoonCapricornConjunctionPlutoCapricorn @3:05am est.
#MoonEntersAquarius @9:04am est.
#MoonAquariusSextileMercuryAries @2:19pm est.

#Tarot #traders #FinancialMarkets #SPX #StandardAndPoors #Stockmarket #EsotericAnalysis #StockMarketPrediction #StockMarketForecast #2020Forecast #Precognition #S&P500
#2020stockmarket #BeatTheMarket #DayTradingGuidance #TarotAndStockMarket #DayTrading #PatternTrading #SwingTrading #StockMarketPsychic #S&P