Day's Theme - Gap down AND/OR decline at the open. Backing for a new project or business is approved. Multiple tops AND/OR multiple bottoms AND/OR sideways movement AND/OR misdirection. Sitting tight on investments. Having to do with education sector AND/OR business funding sector.
1-Day High - will form between 10am est. and 12pm est. AND/OR between 1pm est. and 2pm est. Financials are involved the the high.
1-Day Low - will from between 11am est. and 1:30pm est. AND/OR between 3pm est. and the post-market. Agreement between to powers is involved in the Low.
Planned Trades - As of Tuesday's close I am holding Short Call Spreads, Long Puts, and Long Put Spreads. If all goes according to plan over night. I will hold my positions through the close. If the plan goes wrong, I exit.

#PlutoRetrograde #PlutoRetrogradeInCapricorn #SaturnRetrograde #VenusRetrogradeStation @2:45am est. #VenusRetrograde
#MarsEntersPisces @12:17am est.
#MoonSquareUranus @1:52am est.
#MoonSextileKiron @2:42am est.
#3rdQuarterMoon #WaningGibbousMoon #MoonEntersAquarius @11:39am est.
#8ofDisks #QueenOfSwords #7ofDisks #KnightOfDisks #XIIIdeath #4ofCups #AceOfDisks #QueenOfCups #VtheHierophant #6ofDisks #PrinceOfDisks #VItheLovers #4ofSwords
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