100% (3 correct statements out of 3 statements)

Day's Theme - Money moving to conservative investments. This is not a time to gamble. Caution. Preparing for risk-off. Re-evaluating. Many indicators intersect. Gap down at the open AND/OR misdirection in the pre-market. Trade window around the open. Closes off the high. Opportunity window in the postmarket.
1-Day High - Sharp climb to an afternoon high that forms between roughly 12pm and 3:30pm est.
1-Day Low - Early morning low. Roughly between the day's open and 12pm est. There will be a big move higher off of AND/OR big move to the low.
Planned Trades -
At the open:
1) Close profitable June 6th ITM Puts that are profitable.
2) Roll June 6th OTM Puts to July '20 exp (July-17th) at least.
3) Roll June 8th Puts.
4) Double down on OTM worthless calls (not expiring today** to avoid a day trade).
5) Buy calls that expire in late August.
Around the days high:
6) Sell any profitable calls expiring today or wednesday.
7) Roll remaining calls.
8) Double down on OTM puts.
9) Buy TZA.
10) Protect any long equity positions AND/OR take some profits off the long side.
11) Using the calls bought today, create strangle AND/OR straddle.

#MoonInScorpio #2ndQuarterMoon #2ndQuarterMoonInScorpio #MoonInSagitarius #2ndQuarterMoonInSagitarius
#MoonEntersAquarius @6:08am est.
#MoonAqariusSextileMarsAries @3:37pm est.
#MoonAqariusQuincuxMercuryCancer @6:20pm est.
#MoonAqariusTrineVenusGemini @8:22pm est.
#MoonAqariusSextileChironAries @11:26pm est.
#Tarot #traders #FinancialMarkets #SPX #StandardAndPoors #Stockmarket #EsotericAnalysis #StockMarketPrediction #StockMarketForecast #2020Forecast #Precognition #S&P500
#2020stockmarket #BeatTheMarket #DayTradingGuidance #TarotAndStockMarket #DayTrading #PatternTrading #SwingTrading #StockMarketPsychic