*******$2093.30 Realized Profit in One Day

100% Accuracy (3 correct statements out of 3 statements)

Day's Theme - Prosperity through practicality. Production. Financial obligations ease. Debts repaid. May indicates environmental or weather issues. A good time for investments. Change in direction. Finding support. Synchronicities align. Finding the financial support needed. Prosperity. Birth of new structures. Significant gap down through multiple support levels AND/OR a decline through at least on support level at the open. Up and down swings. One or two peaks between 1pm and the post market. Bounces around resistance around 1pm - 2pm est.
1-Day High - forms around end of day. The high will be after a significant move higher.
1-Day Low - forms around start of day between pre-market and 10:30am est. The low will form after misdirection.
Planned Trades - Two opportunity windows.
1) Premarket through first half hour of trading. Day-traders should buy into the early morning low. Close short positions at the open.
2) Before the close. Day traders should exist long positions around 1 - 4pm once the S&P bumps around resistance at a new intra-day high.
Close short positions at the open. Open long positions at the open. At the close sell against ITM long positions to protect profits AND/OR open short positions.

#MoonVirgoQuincunxChironAries @5:07am est.
#MoonVirgoTrineUranusTaurus @5:44am est.
#MoonVirgoSextileMercuryCancer @10:18am est.
***3rd sprea
*******2nd Spread
#IIItheEmpress #4ofCups #XVItheTower #QueenOfSwords #9ofCups #VtheHierophant #2ofCups #10ofDisks #PrincessOfWands #3ofDisks #5ofWands #2ofWands #AceOfSwords #XVtheDevil #XIItheHangedMan #5ofCups
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